Sharing your conversations in Vello is a straightforward yet powerful feature, allowing you to securely export and share specific aspects of your dialogue or collaborative content with external stakeholders.

Sharing Snapshots

Creating a Share:

  1. To share a chat, simply press Command+Shift+S on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+S on Windows.

  2. If you wish to share just the note associated with the chat, use Command+Shift+D on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+D on Windows.

  3. To share both the chat conversation and the note together, use Command+Shift+B on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+B on Windows.

  4. You can also access these sharing options via the Command-K window by searching for ‘share’ and selecting the relevant share action.

Snapshots: Shares are created as snapshots – static versions of your content at the point of sharing. This means that when you share conversation content, recipients view the chat and notes exactly as they were at the time of sharing.

Overwriting Shares: If you decide to share the same content again, the new snapshot will overwrite the old share at the same URL. This ensures that the latest version is always available to recipients, and the sharing link remains constant.