Vello allows the creation and interaction with multiple AI personas, harnessing their individual capabilities to tackle problems from various angles.

Setting Up Multiple Personas in a Room

To use multiple personas within a chat:

  1. Adjusting Current Models: You can modify the AI models present in a room at any time by pressing Ctrl+E or clicking the plus button in the header.

  1. Mention Models: Type @ in the message box to search for models and add as many as you like to respond next instead of the room defaults. Note that this is not sticky, so after one response, the room will default back to the currently active models, and you’ll have to mention the models again for them to respond.

  2. Round Robin Responses: When multiple AI models are in the same room, they operate on a round-robin basis, each responding to every human message in turn. This approach enables each model to contribute its perspective, creating a multi-faceted dialogue.

  3. Inter-model Visibility: All models in a room can see each other’s messages. This means you can set up roles like a writer/editor tandem, engineer/manager pair, or combine the capabilities of web search and document editing.

  4. Creating Ad-hoc Teams: Leveraging this feature allows for the creation of makeshift teams that can execute multifaceted tasks concurrently. They work collectively in response to user messages, providing a multi-step solution to complex problems.

  5. Workflow Scenarios: While Vello is working on implementing a dedicated workflow mechanism, this current setup acts as a flexible solution for managing multi-step processes involving different AI skills.

Examples of Persona Collaboration

  • Writer/Editor: Use one persona to generate content and another to refine and edit, implementing a dynamic content creation and improvement pipeline within a single conversation.
  • Engineer/Manager: Have one persona focused on technical details and code, while another handles project management and prioritization.
  • Research and Synthesis: Combine web search capabilities with document editing to both collect information and synthesize it into organized documentation.

Utilizing multiple personas effectively creates a diverse AI team within Vello, enriched by various specializations and functions, all working together toward the user’s objectives.