Vello empowers users with the capability to analyze data and generate visualizations right within a conversation, thanks to personas with coding skills enabled.

Analyzing Data and Generating Visualizations

Any persona with coding enabled has access to Vello’s powerful Code Interpreter, which can perform a variety of data analysis tasks, including:

  1. Data Processing: Handle various data processing tasks such as sorting, filtering, and aggregating data from formats like CSV or JSON files.

  2. Statistical Analysis: Conduct statistical analysis to derive insights, such as calculating means, medians, or running more complex statistical models on your data sets.

  3. Chart Creation: Generate charts like line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, and more to visualize data patterns and trends clearly and effectively.

  4. Interactive Collaboration: Work alongside the AI to refine analyses and visualizations. You can provide feedback and adjust parameters in real time to fine-tune the results.

  5. Exporting Visualizations: Once you’re satisfied with a chart, you can export it for use in presentations, reports, or online content.

How to Initiate Data Analysis and Chart Generation

To start working with data and creating charts in Vello:

  1. Upload Data: Load your data into the chat by uploading file formats such as CSV, JSON, etc.

  2. Invoke Persona: Call upon a persona with coding enabled by using mentions or setting it as one of the active models in the room.

  3. Provide Instructions: Describe in natural language what kind of analysis or visualization you want to achieve. Be as specific as possible with your requirements.

  4. Collaboration: As the AI processes your requests, you can watch the development of the analysis or chart in real-time and provide on-the-spot feedback.

  5. Refinement and Export: Make iterative adjustments as needed, and once the final version is ready, export the chart for your desired usage.

By utilizing personas with coding capabilities, Vello transforms the way you interact with data, turning complex datasets into clear, actionable insights through easy-to-understand visualizations, all within the natural flow of a chat conversation.