Vello is an advanced chat platform that provides several keyboard shortcuts to expedite your navigation and usage. Below is a comprehensive list of the keyboard shortcuts available and their respective functions.

cmd+kToggle Bar: Toggles the state of the command bar.
cmd+shift+sShare Chat: Shares the chat using the platform’s sharing feature.
alt+,View Preferences: Accesses the preferences section of Vello.
ctrl+spaceShow Desktop Quick Bar: Displays the quick bar for desktop users.
option+spaceShow Vello Desktop: Shows the desktop version of Vello for desktop users.
ctrl+shift+spaceDock Vello Desktop: Docks the desktop version for users on a desktop.
option+shift+dToggle Dark Mode: Switches between dark and light mode.
ctrl+mNew Chat: Initiates a new chat conversation.
ctrl+eEdit Chat Members: Edits the members of the current chat.
alt+shift+nNew Empty Chat: Starts a new chat without any prior messages.
alt+cDuplicate Chat: Creates a duplicate of the current chat.
ctrl+shift+mNew Persona: Creates a new chat persona.
ctrl+option+sSwitch to Space: Changes the current working space.
ctrl+option+mUpdate Persona: Refreshes the persona being used in chat.
alt+kPrevious Chat: Goes to the previous chat room.
alt+jNext Chat: Moves to the next chat room in the sequence.
ctrl+shift+backspaceArchive Chat: Archives the selected chat.
ctrl+hPrevious Model: Switches to the previously active persona model.
ctrl+lNext Model: Moves forward to the next chat persona model.
ctrl+[Toggle Sidebar: Toggles the visibility of the Vello sidebar.
ctrl+]Toggle Notes: Opens or closes the notes section.
ctrl+sStop Response: Stops the current automated chat response.
ctrl+dRewrite Last Request: Rewrites the previous chat request.
ctrl+shift+dClear Chat: Clears the chat history.
ctrl+rRegenerate Response: Generates a new response for the last query.
ctrl+shift+kRename Chat: Changes the name of the current chat.
ctrl+pToggle Pinned: Pins or unpins a message within the chat.
ctrl+zUndo: Reverses the last action made.
ctrl+shift+zRedo: Reapplies the last action that was undone.
cmd+shift+dShare Note: Shares the current note.
cmd+shift+bShare Chat & Note: Shares both the current chat and note.
cmd+iFocus Input: Places the cursor in the input text field.
cmd+/Focus Search: Moves focus to the search bar.
option+vToggle Verbose Mode: Toggles verbose mode for detailed outputs.
ctrl+shift+rReset Vello: Resets the local Vello database.
escapeEscape: Cancels the current operation or closes open dialogues.